An abrupt change in the weather in the area has devastated crops in the Región de Murcia, especially those located in a large part of the Valle del Guadalentín.

This new week has once again been accompanied by a blanket of fog and alerts for cold and snow. The current situation in the Guadalentín area, marked mainly by heavy frosts, is expected to last for another two weeks. This sharp drop in temperatures has greatly affected the state of crops in the area.

Many farmers in Valle del Guadalentín have been severely affected by this situation. The damage caused to lettuce crops has been particularly severe, as has been the case with broccoli crops. The presence of air has prevented the frosts from being even more pronounced, which has facilitated the possibility of recovering part of the production.

This is the reason why the production supply has suffered a large drop during the last week of January and this first week of February. Around a 50% drop in production has been forecast by farmers in the area. The entire Sacoje team is working to ensure that these circumstances affect our customers’ orders as little as possible. We are confident that temperatures will regulate in the shortest possible time and that we will be able to return to normal production and supply figures in a maximum of a fortnight. Our sales department will inform you of the progress of the situation and the regularisation of orders. Thank you once again for trusting in the work of our team.